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October 28, 2023 @ 9:15 am

Tips for Purchasing Seafood

The first step to take in order to cook great food is beginning with the best ingredients, and if you desire to prepare the best shellfish or fish, that implies beginning by purchasing fresh seafood. If you are not sure what that involves or how to do it, though, do not worry – this seafood purchasing guide will help you out.

Many people are confused or intimidated about how to purchase seafood, but the most imperative thing to be aware of is that it is fine to ask queries! Think of the fishmonger on the phone or behind the counter as your personal seafood purchasing guide and do not be shy: They can assist you in figuring out what type of seafood to buy, how to prepare it, when you will want to use it to purchase, and how to store it.

But even before you search for this info, there are a few things to ask your fishmonger about to ensure you purchase the best possible seafood.

Fresh versus frozen versus live. The jargon around fresh seafood can be very confusing – and even vary based on the kind of seafood you are talking about. A few dissimilar kinds of freshness you will desire to learn about and how to determine if the seafood is suitable:
The freshest oysters, mussels, clams, and other sorts of shellfish are traded alive – for most crabs and bivalves, you wish to purchase them only cooked or alive (which includes steamed, tinned, or smoked). Bivalves ought to be firmly closed or closed when touched, and lobster or crabs ought to be lively and reactive.
For fish, you will often find fresh fish that has never been frozen and ”fresh-frozen” which implies that it got deep-chilled instantly when it was caught to keep it in the best possible state. Without fresh-frozen fish, there would be a far more limit on the regionality and seasonality of seafood. So, you should not be afraid of the term frozen when purchasing seafood. The two kinds of freshness result in very high-quality seafood – look for flush meat firm to the bones and skin, without gaping.

Sustainability. One of the toughest elements of putting together a seafood purchasing guide is talking about sustainability since it differs constantly and is frequently specific to every kind of seafood, where it originates from, and how it got caught. Major guides such as the Marine Stewardship Council are great places to start; however, great fishmongers will usually have more updated or specific knowledge. In case sustainability is a priority when you are buying seafood, you need to ask queries as you buy.

Perishability. The difference between the period you wish to keep live mussels (just for a few days), and live oysters (beyond a week) is great. A head-on salmon will not last as long as the body. If you are acquiring fresh seafood for a particular meal – or meals, be sure to ask yourself for how long you will keep it before cooking the seafood.

Buying fresh seafood isn’t that easy, but when you follow this guide, you’ll be better placed to get the best.

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